
Frederick Family Fotos

Our good friends the Fredericks, just moved away to Ohio a couple of weeks ago for Justin's fellowship and before they left we took a little trip over to Old Salem and I shot some family portraits for them as well as some individual shots of their kids. Unfortunately, baby Maia wasn't really into the whole picture thing and cried almost the entire time...but we still got a couple good group shots and a few nice ones of the kids. Katie, I hope you like some of them enough to get them printed because you have beautiful children and you should show them off!!

Ok, I guess she wasn't crying the whole time...

Justin tried to get Maia to smile by throwing her up in the air, it didn't really work, but it was a good effort! Thanks for letting me practice on you guys, I hope you like them!

To see the rest of the pictures click here.


  1. Seriously, their kids are beautiful.

    Good work photog!

  2. The pictures are great, you're so talented!

  3. Courtney they are great. I have been reading some Scott Kelby stuff lately, trying to get a little more into my photoshop. We will have to chat some time.

  4. I just can't believe how fast Maia's scar healed. That maderma stuff is amazing.

  5. seriously? have you been doing that forever? those pictures are awesome!! congrats on your awesomeness. =)

  6. Courtney, you little photography you. I'm impressed. I especially like the ones that are more photojournalistic. It's the way of the future i predict. Not really, but i wish.
