
American History and Potomac Trails...

I know, I know, more DC, but there was just so much to do! One day we drove downtown by ourselves and checked out the American History museum which has a lot of cool random old stuff in it, including C-3PO!

And Brent appreciated the old medicine cabinet display which included a fine selection of "female bitters", the only guaranteed cure for female weakness:

We also looked through the First Lady gown collection which has pieces going all the way back to Martha Washington, and most of the recent First Ladys' inauguration dresses, including Laura Bush's sassy red number (which looks tiny btw, I wonder if some of them have the dresses taken in so they look smaller on display?? haha). Somehow we didn't get any good pics of the dresses, but here's me in the exhibit:

On the way home I told Brent to pull off the George Washington Pkwy to one of the scenic outlooks so I could try to take a picture of the river, which I did.

Then he saw a little trail that we thought might take us down to the river so we started following it but it was really scary, weird, muddy and covered in trash so we turned back! This picture actually makes it look kind of cool, but it wasn't.

However, the GW Pkwy itself is one of the most beautiful highways in the world if you ask me:

Later that night we actually did make it down to the river bank, on a much less sketchy trail that starts just about a block from the McNaught's house. It was a fun little walk and we made it to the river just in time for sunset.

For all you single ladies out there, Garrett is one fine bachelor ;)