
Like Rabbits...

I guess bunnies are doing what they do best these days, because my family's dog Jaxon has been sniffing out some cute little kits (that's what they're called! Wikianswers says so) and bringing them faithfully to my little sisters. Lauren called Brent a few days ago, frantic that she couldn't get a hold of me and told him to get me on video chat STAT! I got on and she tried to remain composed as she informed me that Jaxon had just killed a baby rabbit. No sooner had she finished her report then Maddie came running in shouting "No, I think it's still alive!!". I was sure that there was some poor mangled animal dying a painful death somewhere so I told them to check on it and see if it was still breathing. Maddie sent me this picture as proof that it was "ok":

I wasn't convinced, so they brought it inside and showed it to me on video chat...

After a while it started looking a little less traumatized...

We hung up, but a few minutes later I got another call saying that there was a second bunny! Jaxon just couldn't control himself.

It turned out they weren't too mangled after all! They're actually pretty cute. For example:

Doesn't it make you want one?? Unfortunately my dad made them put the bunnies "back", though nobody really knew where they came from. They followed some random rabbit down the road and let them go where they last saw it...I want to be optimistic about this, but I'm just not too sure what happened after that. I hope they're ok :'(


  1. So stinking cute! I want one! (Although we had pet rabbits growing up and really they are just scared out of their minds all the time. It's no fun.)

  2. where is that first picture of the rabbit and the food taken?
