
Behind the Scenes...

As Brent so rightly pointed out in the comments section of my last post, I must give credit where credit is due! Brent masterfully scaled the scaffolding he set up on the stairs in my parent's house to hang those lovely, aforementioned prints.


It was dangerous, as you can clearly see, but he did it nonetheless and was only a little bit shaky when he finally stepped off the board. And that was only the first time! Can you believe he braved the board again just to put up one more print?? Me neither.


  1. I am so impressed, not only by Brent's agile skill in getting the pictures up, but your pictures are amazing!! And I still can't believe we didn't even hang out while you were here. Next time, let's please just leave my over working husband out of the plans and do something ourselves.

  2. Glad you guys are impressed because seriously, this takes skill. And Madeleine, great idea leaving Greg out of the planning next time!! From now on I'm leaving the middle man out of it! haha.
