
A star is born!

If you don't know my sister Maddie, this video is probably the best way to become acquainted. She video chatted me a few days ago and said "Look, I'm on YouTube!!!" (she's the crazy girl on the Left).

Also, yesterday we were taking Jaxon for a walk and as we turned a corner we heard someone turning off on a side street behind us yell out "Maaaaddiiiiiiieeeee!". I asked her if she knew who it was and she said no. I said, "Well, then it must have been one of your adoring YouTube fans!". She thought about that for a second, then smiled and kept walking.


  1. She might be cooler than you. I can't wait to meet her.

  2. oh courtney. you're family is so great. i miss you.

  3. i think i know where she got her moves...
