
Miss me?

Mighty Zeus and his favorite wife Hera
I need to start blogging more because I have sooo many fun pictures to show you! I know halloween was a while ago but I just have to share because it pretty much consumed our lives for about 2 months prior to the big day. Lindsay and Regan came over to our house during the last week of September and looked a little surprised to see about 50% of our halloween decorations already out, ok maybe they were less surprised and more just thought we were kind of crazy.

Anyway, we had a blast driving around to all the great antique malls nearby and snatching up old stuff that we thought might be halloweenish. For instance, behold the coffee table (that Brent remembered to snap a picture of after the party was over!):

See that book in the foreground that looks like it's seen better days? It probably has, since it's actually a Bible that was published in 1863!! We found it at an "Antique Fair" in Salisbury a couple of weeks before the party, along with several of our costume accessories, found in the "junk jewelry" section. The triple threat candle stick holder is an antique mall find, as are the other single candle holders and the old glass bottles.

Brent masterminded the hanging of spiderwebs from our chandelier to various corners of the room and eventually they kind of took over our house, and I ran into random webs and got tangled in them every single day. And it was kind of annoying when I wanted to like, open a window, or take a book off the shelf, but I couldn't for 6 weeks because they were completely covered in webs. But it was SOO WORTH IT!! haha. Jk. But they did look pretty awesome with all the spooky lights on, no?

This was for sure the coolest part of our decorations! Ok, that's hard to say because they were all so amazing, but come on! Brent carved that pumpkin into a punch bowl! With a tiny saw!! He did get the idea from Martha, but you know she didn't actually do the carving on hers. And Brent was a total naysayer when I said that we should put the pumpkin in our fabulous antique wet bar globe thingy, but look, it worked! And the dry ice just takes it to another level entirely.

Unfortunately, this is the only photo I have of the "making" of our costumes, but sufficeth to say that there was a lot of glitter involved.

Oh yeah, one more great addition to our decor came from Brent's mom Ellen who found us this huuuge glass jar that we could turn upside down and use for presenting creepy specimens...or glitter skulls (see the tiny skull stack in the background??).

Ok, moving on from decorations, that is quite enough! We had some really good food at this party! Did I mention there was a party? We had all of our "young couple" friends over for dinner and games and it was sooo fun. Teri and Lindsay both brought chili (how did I not get pictures of that?) and lots of others brought treats and snacks - everything was to die for! Including this cheesecake that Brent made, mostly because the crust is made out of crushed thin mints, which you pack into the pan, then pour melted chocolate over...

Alright, I know you just want to see the costumes, so here you go! I don't think we got everyone, but we did our best...

The amazing hippie Tiffany getting me all goddessed up!
And getting Rob and Teri's ears all pointy with super glue!
The trekkies!

Liz Lemon and Kenneth!
Plug and Socket!
A Pimp and his Cowgirl!
Witch, Tinkerbell, Cowboy and Tigger!
Baby Boxer minus his coaches!

70s? Hippies or in Andrew's case Creepy guy who won our best costume contest
and hence, our glitter skull trophy!
Tiffany just happened to win our Halloween trivia game and won that sweet afro
so she could match Andrew!

Other costumes we got pictures of during the games...

Yep, it was a good time! And I wish all of you could have been there...except that it was so crowded in our tiny apartment that I could hardly squeeze from one end to the other, but perhaps we will have a bigger venue next year...speaking of which...

Brent is currently applying to residency! He has heard back from about half of the schools now and has scheduled some interviews, which is very exciting. Hopefully we will be heading for a town near you in the near future!

Happy Halloweeeeeeeen...


  1. also, plug and socket... so naughty! ;)

  2. the blog is a ALIVE!!!!!! YAY!!!!!

    i loved the halloweener party. and the crowd. it made it feel so bump-bump-bump hoppin'.

  3. yes, i DO miss you! and one word about your costumes and your party... JEALOUS! i so wish i could've been there. i didn't even dress up this year though... we just had a little pumpkin. =)

  4. Oh you and Brent have always known how to party. Looks like it was a big hit! How crazy that Brent is applying to his residencies!! Yeay Income:)!! I'm so excited for you. Any chance he'll apply to any programs in AZ? I'm secretly hoping you go back where you belong (California) because then I'll definitely get to see you. Tell B good luck. Miss you both. Oh and maybe think about making a baby soon. It's so popular ;)

  5. How FUN! So sad we missed out on this!!! Hey send me an email with your address so I can send you a Christmas card (yeah, its almost that time-nuts!). laurakats@hotmail.com

  6. What a fun party! Hope you guys come to Utah! Call me if Brent is interviewing at the U!

  7. um I want you to move back here so i can attend your amazing halloween bash! seriously though, we really would love if you were our neighbors! I can't get over the Halloween decorations, they are very impressive, and I love the antique idea!
