

I know y'all have been dying for round two of the dynamic duo!! And it just so happens that it's Brent's little brother Garrett's 16th birthday today. He's the one doing those awesome jump moves with Brent in that one post about Stone Mountain.

We had so much fun doing that video for Chase that we decided to go for number two. Now, a couple of things to explain about this one...we call Garrett "Garrete" because he used to think that chocolate was spelled "chocolete",  it's stuck ever since. Also, for his eagle scout project, Garrett built "bat boxes" for a warehouse in Idaho Falls that had problems with bats trying to live in it...or something. What else...oh yeah, he likes to wear baggy T-shirts, and he maybe used to have a little problem with spray paint... :)


  1. You guys are rockstars, awesome song! :)

  2. Nice vibrato. I can't express how much this song makes me miss you guys. I'm going to try and express it through ellipsis . . . Did it work? OH, my birthday is on the 1st. That would be a perfect birthday present. Just saying.

  3. hehehehehehehehehe.
