
A Man of Mystery...

School's out for summer....kind of. I start my summer classes in San Francisco in 2 weeks!! But I've had a couple of weeks off to recharge, which has been fantastic. We even went to the beach with our friends over Memorial Day and had a blast - will be posting about that soon.

But first I want to show you what I worked on last semester!

This is my final project for the class "Color and Light":

They are meant to be viewed in that order - as you can probably tell by the last shot - hence the slideshow view. We got to choose whatever subject matter we wanted (which was really hard) but we had to have a consistent color scheme (mine is warm/cool contrast). I love the air of mystery that these "darker" parts of the city bring to the images, so the "mystery man" theme was a natural progression of things. I want the viewer to be wondering: who is this guy? where is he going? why is he running? And at the end I hope I at least got a smile, if not a laugh out of you! Brent and I had a lot of fun scouting out locations and shooting for this class (most of the time!), especially when it got warmer outside. The last shot was actually Brent's idea (hard to believe, I know). As you can see, these areas are not the nicest part of town, but that was what was so great about this project. I got to explore areas of the city that I would never have gone to otherwise. And we only got kicked off of Reynolds Tobacco Factory Property ONE time!! I don't wish to incriminate myself further, but trust me, that's a good record. It's mostly abandoned anyway, so I don't know why they bother being so defensive of it.

The final project for my other shooting class, called "Photography Concepts", was a hypothetical ad series for the blog A Foodie Stays Fit, written by my good friend Teri (you may have seen her on my blog before, such as, in my very first post ever ;)


The point we are trying to get across with these photos is that everyone can make time to be fit and healthy, even with a crazy, hectic schedule like Teri's. She works full time at a bank and also teaches classes at the gym multiple times per week, while also working out on her own (and with me!), not to mention taking care of her puppy and husband, and of course blogging. I wanted to catch people's attention with these images by making them over-the-top and showing Teri exercising in situations where she wouldn't normally do so. Let me know if you think it works!

So that's what I've been doing for the past 4 months...plus about a million other pictures that didn't make the cut! Oh, and some other things that I'll be posting about very soon...


  1. Are you saying that it is weird I came up with an idea or weird that I came up with the idea of your series being about someone going to the bathroom. You should clarify because they imply very different things about me.
